One of the four Gospels in the NT. The author exhibits a theological outlook, command of Greek, and rabbinic training that suggest that he was a Jewish Christian of the second generation. Matthew’s Gospel emphasizes the presence of God manifest among the people of Israel through Jesus, the Son of God, and through the church that Jesus founds. This Gospel also contains the Sermon on the Mount and a strong emphasis on traditional morality.
Outline of Contents
I. Jesus presented (
A. Jesus as fulfillment of end-time expectations (
1. Jesus’s ancestors recalled (
2. Jesus’s birth announced (
B. Birth of Jesus (
1. Appearance of the magi (
2. Jesus taken to Egypt (
3. Slaughter of the innocents (
C. Jesus and John the Baptist (
1. John baptizes in Judea (
2. John baptizes Jesus (
3. Jesus tempted by Satan (
4. Jesus in Galilee (
II. Jesus’s ministry (
A. Jesus’s ministry to Israel (
1. Jesus calls disciples (
2. Jesus teaches (
3. Jesus does mighty deeds (
4. Jesus commissions the Twelve (
B. Israel’s repudiation of Jesus (
1. Israel repudiates Jesus (
2. Jesus speaks in parables (
3. Rejection of Jesus and the death of John the Baptist (
4. Jesus feeds, heals, and teaches (
5. Disciples confess Jesus as Son of God (
III. Jesus in Jerusalem (
A. Jesus predicts his passion in Jerusalem and journeys to it (
B. Jesus in the Temple (
C. Jesus speaks about end times (
D. Jesus’s trial and crucifixion (
E. Jesus risen from the dead (